The Artist at Work:
Being a Circus Performer*
The research project Inter-Cir explores in depth the specificities of the circus performer. It aims to understand what makes this role unique in the creative process, particularly in relation to directors.
By documenting bodily and artistic interactions through ethnographic methods (observation of rehearsals, interviews, residencies), Inter-Cir highlights how the circus performer negotiates their artistic authority, autonomy, and role in collective creation, while navigating between technical execution and artistic creation
The Inter-Cir project, co-directed by Élodie Guézou (contortionist and author) and Magali Sizorn (teacher-researcher in ethnology), deeply explores the role of circus performers in artistic creation processes. Born from the atypical creative process of the piece Exquisite Corpse by Company AMA, where 11 directors successively guided the same circus body in sections of the show without knowing what the others had proposed, Inter-Cir focuses on the often invisible and complex relationships between the performer and the director in contemporary circus.
This research project at the intersection of arts and sciences seeks to unveil the dynamics of work, the distribution of artistic responsibilities, and the decision-making processes that shape circus creation. By documenting and analyzing the tensions, negotiations, and also the collaboration between the performer’s body and the director’s vision, Inter-Cir questions the artistic legitimacy of the performer in an environment where creative roles may seem rigid
* A small note: it is interesting to point out that in English, we use the term "performer," while in French, we say "interprète." The difference lies in the connotation: "performer" often refers to someone who presents a performance, encompassing various disciplines such as theater, dance, and circus. In contrast, "interprète" suggests an emphasis on interpretation and expression, often associated with the creative and personal aspect of embodying a role or character.
Objectives and Approach of the Project
One of the main focuses of Inter-Cir is to rigorously document creative processes through an ethnographic and sociological approach. This involves direct observation of rehearsals, the collection of traces (notes, videos, photos), and interviews with performers and directors. The emphasis is on studying bodily and verbal interactions, as well as how the performer navigates between their artistic autonomy and the direction of the director.
For example, during observation residencies at the CNAC in 2021-2022, Magali Sizorn and Elodie Guézou observed the rehearsals of circus performers to analyze their negotiation strategies with directors. These sessions were filmed, and the exchanges were analyzed from the perspective of pragmatic sociology to better understand how artistic decisions are constructed in real time.
The relationships between performers and directors are complex and can be marked by creative tensions. Inter-Cir is interested in how the body of the performer becomes a malleable tool to realize the director's vision while maintaining their own artistic language. The project explores the moments when the performer claims a form of artistic authority as a fully-fledged creator.
These relationships are at the heart of the reflections conducted during roundtables, such as the one we held in October 2022 titled "The Specificities of the Circus Performer," where researchers, directors, and performers shared their perspectives on the particular challenges faced by performers in contemporary circus. This analysis highlights how the work of the performer oscillates between technical execution and artistic creation.
One of the main objectives of the project is to enhance the position of performers in the contemporary circus world by providing them with a space to share their experiences and returning this research to the public. Cultural mediation around the project is manifested through exhibitions, conferences, and publications, making the work of the performer—often relegated to the background of the director—visible.
The exhibition "Question of Perspective," centered around the show Exquisite Corpse, launched in March 2022, invites the public to discover the behind-the-scenes of circus creation through photos, videos, and texts that highlight the artistic choices made in collaboration between performers and directors. This exhibition provides an overview of the creative tensions and moments of dialogue between body and staging.
Ethnographic approach and social sciences
The Inter-Cir project is distinguished by its transdisciplinary approach, combining social science research methods (ethnology, pragmatic sociology) with circus practices. This approach allows us to question professional habits, power relations, and the way in which contemporary circus constantly redefines the place of the performer in the collective work.
The observations carried out at the CNAC and the research residencies at La Brèche in 2021 and 2022 were accompanied by reflective work on the place of bodies in circus creation. Video capsules were produced to illustrate the creative processes in real time, thus offering rare and valuable documentation on how artistic decisions are constructed over the course of rehearsals.
Project timeline
Mars 2020 : Première de Cadavre Exquis, marquant le lancement du projet Inter-Cir. Cette création a été le point de départ d'une réflexion approfondie sur le rôle des interprètes dans le processus de création artistique.
Juin 2021 : Première résidence de recherche et d'écriture pour l'ouvrage à La Brèche – Pôle National Cirque en Normandie, où des entretiens avec des interprètes et des metteurs en scène ont été menés. Cette étape a permis d’explorer les dynamiques de collaboration et de comprendre les interactions créatives.
2021-2022 : Résidences d’observation au CNAC (Centre National des Arts du Cirque), où des séances de répétitions entre interprètes et metteurs en scène ont été observées et analysées. Ces résidences ont documenté en profondeur les processus créatifs dans le cirque contemporain.
Février 2022 : Exposition "Question de point de vue", centrée sur la relation entre interprète et metteur en scène, présentant les résultats des observations et des analyses issues du processus de création de Cadavre Exquis. L’exposition a permis de montrer les coulisses du travail créatif et de mettre en lumière les tensions et collaborations qui s’y jouent.
Mars 2022 : table ronde intitulée "Les spécificités de l’interprète de cirque", qui a réuni des artistes tel que Wilmer Marquez et Romane Chandelier et des chercheurs pour débattre des défis que rencontrent les interprètes dans le cirque contemporain, notamment leur place dans les processus de création.
Octobre 2022 : Séminaire "L'artiste au travail: être interprète de cirque" durant le festival Circa à Auch, avec une présentation des résultats de différentes recherches à ce sujet et une table ronde avec des interprètes et des professionnels du cirque. Ce séminaire a permis de continuer à développer les pistes de recherche autour de la relation entre corps, interprétation, et création.
22 mars 2023 : Conférence-performance à la Maison de l’Université, durant le festival SPRING, intitulée "L’artiste de cirque au travail", un événement public permettant de partager les résultats préliminaires du projet Inter-Cir.
Juillet 2023 : Participation au Colloque International du Cirque Contemporain à l’Université de Caen, avec une présentation des recherches sur les spécificités de l’interprète de cirque, notamment sur les enjeux de légitimité et d’autorité artistique.
Août 2023 : Table ronde durant le séminaire à Circa, intitulée "L'artiste au travail - Les spécificités de l’interprète de cirque", avec des artistes et des chercheurs pour débattre des défis que rencontrent les interprètes dans le cirque contemporain.
Janvier 2024 : Résidence d'écriture au CNAC pour la confection de l'ouvrage.
Mars 2024 : Conférence/Bord plateau autour du projet de recherche durant le Festival SPRING au Théâtre la Renaissance à Mondeville
2025 : Publication de l'ouvrage sous forme de carnet de création/étude de cas, synthétisant les résultats de la recherche et les observations des résidences. En 2025, il y aura également la diffusion des interviews vidéo des interprètes menées par Élodie Guézou, apportant un témoignage direct sur leur expérience de création et leur rôle dans le cirque contemporain.
Project partners
The Inter-Cir project benefits from the support of the Ministry of Culture , via the General Directorate for Artistic Creation (DGCA) , as part of the call for projects "Research in theater and associated arts" . This program aims to encourage collaboration between the performing arts and the human sciences, allowing projects like Inter-Cir to explore the specificities of circus performers through a scientific and artistic approach.
In addition, the project is supported by the ICiMa Chair (Innovation Cirque et Marionnette) in partnership with the Centre National des Arts du Cirque (CNAC) . These institutions support the research by documenting circus practices and providing a framework for analyzing circus-specific techniques. The CNAC also participates in the publication of the work resulting from the research, providing valuable assistance with publishing.
La Brèche – Pôle National Cirque in Normandy plays a key role in hosting research residencies and making its infrastructure available for observation and experimental work.
Finally, the project is also anchored in the university framework through the CETAPS laboratory of the University of Rouen , where Magali Sizorn conducts her research. This laboratory, specialized in the study of physical and artistic practices, supports the ethnographic and sociological approach of the project, allowing to provide an in-depth analysis of the role of the circus performer.
To learn more about the thoughts and progress of the Inter-Cir project , we have created a research notebook available on the Hypothèses platform. This notebook documents the creative processes, the specificities of the performers' work, as well as the results of the residencies and major events. You can consult the notebook by clicking on the link below: