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"The body is the vehicle of all human experiences."
– Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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An exploration of the body and human realities.

The Circus of the Real, as conceived by Elodie Guézou through Company AMA, is an artistic approach rooted in reality-based writing within live arts, where the body becomes the primary vehicle for stories inspired by daily life, personal experiences, and social realities.

Unlike traditional circus focused on technical prowess and wonder, the Circus of the Real places humanity and vulnerability at the core of performance.

In this type of circus, the circus act does not merely demonstrate extraordinary physical abilities but reveals inner truths. The moving bodies tell stories of struggle, resistance, fatigue, but also resilience. This approach seeks to embody reality through bodies marked by experience, interacting with contemporary themes such as work, success, social pressure, or human relationships.

Elodie Guézou chose to name this approach Circus of the Real because she aims to question, through her creations, the physical constraints imposed by the profession of a circus performer while exploring broader social realities. Her work is based on the conviction that each gesture, each contortion, carries within it a truth that transcends the stage. Company AMA’s works are thus nourished by testimonies and encounters that bring a deeply human dimension to the performance.

At AMA, the Circus of the Real does not seek to escape the everyday, but to elevate it, to make it visible, through bodies that bear the marks of effort, repetition, and sacrifice. For Elodie Guézou, this approach creates a direct dialogue between the artist and the audience, where raw emotion takes precedence over the spectacular, and where art becomes a reflection of complex and profound human realities.

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